Turkey event!

Tons of fun creating new areas of rvr! Keep it up BS! I think these type of events in other areas of NF is refreshing!


  • Definitely the fastest way to get bps, but need a grp with sojo and protection from the stl grps camping it. Solos usually grab 1 or 2 legs before the ranger and scouts and hunter crews blow them up
  • Lots of action to and from. Reminds me of the old supply lines before people could port/gate/scroll away.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • Creating spots where n00bs in kings gear grabbing some 5k bp were slaughtered isn`t a great idea, it`s more a * Sorry, we don`t have other ideas*.
  • That's another fine mess you've gotten us into, Stanley.
  • Wanna be my Oliver? :D
  • Got my NS solo quest done at Alb turkey leg spot then was rolled by Mid 3 man stealth which in turn got rolled by fg Alb stealth. Working as intended. lol
  • 8 mid sneaks hib leg spot, 8 alb sneaks hib leg spot, anyone lfg 4 stealthgroup going to camp mid/alb leg spots?

    Several times this evening in reg hib, thats rather uncreative quest design, far from fun.
  • That why I said you need to go in a fg. Typically the stealth grps won’t hit anything that can fight back :open_mouth:
  • BurkleyRIP wrote: »
    That why I said you need to go in a fg. Typically the stealth grps won’t hit anything that can fight back :open_mouth:

    They usually deny fighting other stealth groups. I have vids where we hit only 1 of the full Bibyfly fg and the full group went forest phantom and phaseshift B)

    Another prob is 24 legs if you have a fg, and patience is such a thing.... :D
  • edited November 2018 PM
    So we are at a point now where if it's not "easy" then it's bad? Personally, I have found this to be great. I've done some solo and some small man as well as got turkey legs and killed those getting them and I have found it great. Its ALOT of bp's in what could be a few minutes span if you have gateway, and you expect no risk? People could conceivably get 500k bp's in a matter of a few hours. There needs to be a risk associated with them. Also, the new/low RR players should be using this as a perfect chance to get boxes and ale since everyone is farming the turkey legs.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • Wait there are stealth at turkey legs, no way!
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    So we are at a point now where if it's not "easy" then it's bad? Personally, I have found this to be great. I've done some solo and some small man as well as got turkey legs and killed those getting them and I have found it great. Its ALOT of bp's in what could be a few minutes span if you have gateway, and you expect no risk? People could conceivably get 500k bp's in a matter of a few hours. There needs to be a risk associated with them. Also, the new/low RR players should be using this as a perfect chance to get boxes and ale since everyone is farming the turkey legs.

    This 100%
  • Boxes are still camped. I think the problem is stealthier grps are a terrible nuisance
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    So we are at a point now where if it's not "easy" then it's bad?

    So you think that pve content (and collecting 3 legs is pve, collecting boxes, rubble etc is pve) for getting some bp`s in a rvr centered endgame is clever gamedesign?

    It`s more luring the cannon fodder into the slaughter house to keep rvr-ppl playing. Has nothing to do with smart gamedesign.

  • BurkleyRIP wrote: »
    Boxes are still camped. I think the problem is badstealthier grps are a terrible nuisance

    Fixed that for you.
    I know at least 1 hib sneak group that dares to jump on 6-8 visibles. ;)
  • edited November 2018 PM
    @Stoertebecker So what is your genius idea? Please do tell!! Criticism without an alternate plan is just complaining. I feel like this was a great idea for a Thanksgiving event. It was simple, gave a good reward, moved action around, helped players that are templating out newer toons, and helped people looking for some RvR. As I said above, I have had a blast in all aspects of this event.

    Also, to add to your "PvE" aspect, who cares? It's not like the ghost keep weapons that gave you rp's. This gives bp's which are at a premium now. The only people making rp's off of this are people doing actual RvR around these areas. I see no issue with that. For a guy who seems so concerned for the low RR players what sort of RvR event would you put in that they wouldn't get annihilated?
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • Its the best action we have had in quite some time, I cant see the problem with adding action, giving rewards, and gearing up new alts. Yeah, it maybe camped but this game is about options, you make a group and clear out the turkey legs, go to another turkey leg spot, or run boxes/king ale quest solo else where etc. If the spot is camped make a group to kill them its not rocket science, you just want to pick up legs w/no resistance. That would be worse imo.
  • RonELuvv wrote: »
    @Stoertebecker So what is your genius idea? Please do tell!! Criticism without an alternate plan is just complaining. I feel like this was a great idea for a Thanksgiving event. It was simple, gave a good reward, moved action around, helped players that are templating out newer toons, and helped people looking for some RvR. As I said above, I have had a blast in all aspects of this event.

    Also, to add to your "PvE" aspect, who cares? It's not like the ghost keep weapons that gave you rp's. This gives bp's which are at a premium now. The only people making rp's off of this are people doing actual RvR around these areas. I see no issue with that. For a guy who seems so concerned for the low RR players what sort of RvR event would you put in that they wouldn't get annihilated?

    If it`s just for moving action around where are the quests like * kill 25 enemies in the Labyrinth or DF*?
    Great areas for rvr, ghosttowns atm...
    And running over a solo who`s trying to get some bp`s with 4ppl + is no rvr, its a slaughter. How does that help low rr players?
  • edited November 2018 PM
    The same thing would happen in Lab or DF. It always has. You're changing the environment but not the nature of the game. People group to avoid dying. Stealth solo's do it.. they group.. turns into a 3 man, then a 4 man, and so on... Visis do it... starts as solo, they get run over by groups or zergs, so they form their own group or join the zerg. There has always been incentive and penalties for anything in an rvr zone. Better xp, better gear, seal farming in df, POC farming. Higher rewards, but higher risk. I ran some of the leg quest solo and camped there on my stealther solo. I also grouped and ran quest and camped. I doubt very seriously i would run out there solo on my visis unless it was extremely late night for me. Even then i almost expect to be hit by a fg of visi or stealth or at least several stealthers. DF was the same way years ago though.
    Post edited by Sleepwell on
  • i like the quest as it seems that it created more different places to seek action. just don't go there alone on untemplated lowby.

    i like the new ruined areas for the same reason.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Creating spots where n00bs in kings gear grabbing some 5k bp were slaughtered isn`t a great idea, it`s more a * Sorry, we don`t have other ideas*.

    This turkey thing is actually a perfect idea for the game. Reminds me of DF. Lowbies getting rolled by 50s. 50s hunting other 50s to protect the lowbies. Huge game of cat and mouse with some griefing thrown in. It makes the game great. I'm all for it.
  • Skywier wrote: »

    This turkey thing is actually a perfect idea for the game. Reminds me of DF. Lowbies getting rolled by 50s. 50s hunting other 50s to protect the lowbies. Huge game of cat and mouse with some griefing thrown in. It makes the game great. I'm all for it.

    Summed it up perfectly, DAOC needs a food chain - if there is no n00bs in kings gear running around it effects the entire eco-system.
  • Obviously not with turkeys, but this quest needs to stay, permanently, in an altered form. It’s another area to respond when someone asks “hey, where do you want to check out?” and EV is overrun with 3 group mini-bgs and there’s really no other action. C’mon BS, you found a winner - don’t take it away.
  • If you can get a dedicated grp going to deter stealthier gank grps and have a sojo you can rack up the bps pretty quick. Should make a pve repeatable quest similar with kill tasks also. That way solo/duo’s can pve the items also. Make it pace similar to the time it would take for a raid to occur which would be great considering not everyone can make it to scheduled raids
  • Seethyr wrote: »
    Obviously not with turkeys, but this quest needs to stay, permanently, in an altered form. It’s another area to respond when someone asks “hey, where do you want to check out?” and EV is overrun with 3 group mini-bgs and there’s really no other action. C’mon BS, you found a winner - don’t take it away.

    December version...Gather Fruitcakes :smile:
  • edited November 2018 PM
    Snaillyn wrote: »
    Its the best action we have had in quite some time, I cant see the problem with adding action, giving rewards, and gearing up new alts. Yeah, it maybe camped but this game is about options, you make a group and clear out the turkey legs, go to another turkey leg spot, or run boxes/king ale quest solo else where etc. If the spot is camped make a group to kill them its not rocket science, you just want to pick up legs w/no resistance. That would be worse imo.
    Sleepwell wrote: »
    The same thing would happen in Lab or DF. It always has. You're changing the environment but not the nature of the game. People group to avoid dying. Stealth solo's do it.. they group.. turns into a 3 man, then a 4 man, and so on... Visis do it... starts as solo, they get run over by groups or zergs, so they form their own group or join the zerg. There has always been incentive and penalties for anything in an rvr zone. Better xp, better gear, seal farming in df, POC farming. Higher rewards, but higher risk. I ran some of the leg quest solo and camped there on my stealther solo. I also grouped and ran quest and camped. I doubt very seriously i would run out there solo on my visis unless it was extremely late night for me. Even then i almost expect to be hit by a fg of visi or stealth or at least several stealthers. DF was the same way years ago though.
    tald wrote: »

    Summed it up perfectly, DAOC needs a food chain - if there is no n00bs in kings gear running around it effects the entire eco-system.

    Agreed 100% with all of these statements.

    I also agree with @Seethyr that it would be nice to have something like this on a permanent basis. My suggestion would be to just make the supply and ale quest repeatable as much as a person wants. Lower the amount needed to 50 of each on both quests, lower the amount of bp's earned to 10-15k per quest, make it repeatable, and bam, you essentially have the same thing. Having a way for lower RR players to gain BP's to get templated is good for RvR and good for those lower RR players. It also provides a way for higher RR players to farm money and it doesn't award rp's which means that nobody can abuse this to PvE their way to a higher RR.
    Post edited by RonELuvv on
  • edited November 2018 PM
    The repeatable supplies quest before CL15 is pickup 20 rubble and boxes for 5K bps reward. Same concept as turkey legs just make it always repeatable even after CL 15 @beibhinn
    Post edited by Fateboi on
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