Crossroads Covenant - Lilith - Phase 2

Lilith continues her incursion upon the realms, and as the Shroud weakens the barrier to her dark domain, broods of her minions spread throughout the Frontiers wreaking havoc and changing the tide of the war between the realms.

Align yourself with the Order of the Vigilant to stand against evil and protect those who cannot fend for themselves. For those who favor the survival of only the strongest and most ruthless, cast your allegiance with the Demonic Order, take for yourself what cannot or will not be defended, and slaughter those who dare stand in defiance against you.Speak with your faction's envoy to begin the next phase of your adventure as The Shroud Thins.

Phase 2 - Quest Details

Phase 2 follows the same event outline as Phase 1 and consists of two main path quests with now five sub quests. The sub quests can be completed in any order or combination to complete the overall main path quests. All quests are repeatable. The main quests are offered by the representatives of both paths, continue speaking with them to obtain the sub quests. In order to qualify for the rewards of a phase, players must complete one of the main path quests within that phase at least once. It is not required to complete quests in a phase in order to take part or obtain the rewards in following phases.

Players can now only switch paths once.

Main Quests

[Shroud Thins] Calculated Evil - Complete 10 event sub quests - Awards realm points (every time) and a Midsummer Battlefield Potion (only on first completion), additional completions will auto renew.
[Shroud Thins] Decimation - Slay 30 enemies within the event rotation areas and on Ellan Vannin - Awards realm points, auto renews.

[Shroud Thins] Hold the Dark - Complete 10 event sub quests - Awards realm points (every time) and a Midsummer Battlefield Potion (only on first completion), additional completions will auto renew.
[Shroud Thins] Reckoning - Slay 30 enemies within the event rotation areas and on Ellan Vannin - Awards realm points, auto renews.

Sub Quests

Speak with the representative of the Demonic or Vigilant paths at relic towns for updates on where the Shroud weakens. Once an objective is up, that area will have a 100% realm point bonus

[Shroud Thins] Containing the Problem / A Final Line in the Sand - Capture Caer Benowyc, Bledmeer Faste, Dun Crauchon, and slay 10 interlopers. This quest is BG credit (keep steps), awards realm points, auto renews, and does not rotate with the shroud.

[Shroud Thins] Her Approach / Stop the Tear - Lilith's power has grown allowing her to summon more of her power through the shroud. Slay Lilith's children to draw her out and defeat her. Awards realm points, area credit excluding the center of Ellan Vannin, auto renews, and does not rotate with the shroud.

The following sub quests rotate based on the where the Shroud is thinest:

[Shroud Thins] The Daughter Answers / No Family Reunions - The Demonic Princess Nahemah has been spotted making her way from the maze like ruins up the river towards Ellan Vannin. Slay her succubuses to uncover her and defeat her (3 times). Area credit, awards realm points and does not auto renew upon completion.

[Shroud Thins] The Handmaiden's Maze / The Handmaiden's Post - Princess Naheman's Handmaiden, Mahgrat, now holds court at the mazes. Draw out Mahgrat by defeating her soultorns and defeat her. Solo quest, awards realm points, and does not auto renew upon completion.

Gathering Quests
Collect Dark Crystals around Caer Benowyc docks, Bledmeer Faste docks, or Dun Crauchon graveyard. Awards bounty and realm points, auto renews upon completion.

[Shroud Thins] Harvester of Sorrow
[Shroud Thins] Breaking Bled
[Shroud Thins] Darkness Within


[Shroud Thins] Fading Embers
[Shroud Thins] Locked Away
[Shroud Thins] Vital Essence

Phase One Rewards

Players who have completed any one of the two main event quests from Phase 1 can now speak with Gwynn at your realm's Relic Town to receive the Wings, Cloak, and Mask from previous Crossroad events. The rewards received from these quests will be tradeable, however existing versions of these items received during previous events will remain no-trade.

To receive Phase 1 rewards, those aligned with Demonic faction may obtain the quest:
[The Shroud] The Black Echo

To receive Phase 1 rewards, those who belong to the Order of the Vigilant may obtain the quest:
[The Shroud] Lost Light

Phase Two Rewards

Completing Phase 2 will reward the Tome of Fiends or Circlet of Rhiannon (depending on path, fully leveled). Stats can be found here. Rewards are offered at the start of Phase 3.

Phase 2 of Crossroads Covenants - Lilith will end on August 1st, 2024 with the start of Phase 3.

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DAoC Community Lead
Broadsword Online Games


  • The names were a little confusing, and I grabbed the wrong one - what are the chances you can appeal and get it swapped? I'd normally just shrug my shoulders and /destroy/droop it, but I can't - inventory space is very tight for me sadly.

    Thanks again.
    - The derision of your enemies is the highest possible form of praise.

    - I intend to coarsen. I want stark contrasts drawn. I want polarization. I will not quietly accept clown-world so as not to upset anyone. I am not tolerant of our impending and increasing slavery.
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