Why the pally nerfs?

I do not understand the reason for all the pally nerfs. Pally af has been wrecked. I do not understand the reason. while pally had the highest af, they also have the lowest dps...That was the trade off. I learned to adjust for it long time ago.
You took away our chant. Gave us a weak insty heal that does less than our weak heal chant did, but now costs mana.The pally heal chant only worked in combat..not like skalds which do almost 3x more at end game. Skalds work even while not in combat.
The castable heals was ok..but merely putting pally chant in line with skalds would have been better. PALLIES are not clerics.

You have taken away what made a pally a pally..you did not give us a damage table increase. The insty heal is just a joke.
When a tic has more af than a pally,i think something is amiss.. I understand that Broadsword is on its knees doing (cant mention the actual act due to restrictions) for mids. But just cuz some of us actually know (well used to know b4 we got bent over)how to play a pally, doesnt mean you should nerf the crap out of a class.
You gave warriors a 25% damage increase cuz a smart pally could beat them. The primary thing with a pally was high af. We where not on the same scale as heavy tanks. I dont know who the team leads are/were, but they about useless..no fight was either made..or ignored by BS.(prob the latter)
Give us back our af..our heal chant at skald level..keep yer crappy instant heal. and increase our damage table.
(oops heaven forbid we solo a mid tank).


  • Onidakken wrote: »
    I do not understand the reason for all the pally nerfs. Pally af has been wrecked. I do not understand the reason. while pally had the highest af, they also have the lowest dps...That was the trade off. I learned to adjust for it long time ago.
    You took away our chant. Gave us a weak insty heal that does less than our weak heal chant did, but now costs mana.The pally heal chant only worked in combat..not like skalds which do almost 3x more at end game. Skalds work even while not in combat.
    The castable heals was ok..but merely putting pally chant in line with skalds would have been better. PALLIES are not clerics.

    You have taken away what made a pally a pally..you did not give us a damage table increase. The insty heal is just a joke.
    When a tic has more af than a pally,i think something is amiss.. I understand that Broadsword is on its knees doing (cant mention the actual act due to restrictions) for mids. But just cuz some of us actually know (well used to know b4 we got bent over)how to play a pally, doesnt mean you should nerf the crap out of a class.
    You gave warriors a 25% damage increase cuz a smart pally could beat them. The primary thing with a pally was high af. We where not on the same scale as heavy tanks. I dont know who the team leads are/were, but they about useless..no fight was either made..or ignored by BS.(prob the latter)
    Give us back our af..our heal chant at skald level..keep yer crappy instant heal. and increase our damage table.
    (oops heaven forbid we solo a mid tank).

    Careful, they seem to ban people that criticize them.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
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