Please speed up the teleporters in Treibh Caillte

edited July 2023 in General Board
Design wise TC is possibly the most interesting of the original dungeons, but the horrendously slow teleport process ruins the experience. It would be bad enough if you always went to the sub-dungeon you wanted, but going to the wrong one over and over while often waiting five or more minutes to be teleported in and then again to be teleported out to try again is awful. Please make the teleporters always take less than a minute to activate or even better make teleportation immediate after you defeat the golem.

I thought I would add that I did finally get to Hursk to finish the quest. Just that part took the better part of an hour between going to the wrong place and waiting on the teleports. Nearly all of this time was spent just waiting around since there is usually nothing to fight at those teleport pads except for an occasional wandering thrall and you definitely don't want to end up missing a teleport that you've been waiting nearly ten minutes for. This was not my idea of fun.
Post edited by Elspeth on
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