Siege Patch and Midgard changes - Bored Player Patch

Waiting for the servers to come back online, i figure i'd unleash some thoughts on siege and midgard. These are ideas for a patch. Love em, hate em....just giving a base to work on.


-In front of every tower and keep doors are now hook points just like siege tower hook points.
once you click on them you have 3 options for rams, Field, war ram, fortified war ram.

-Field Ram has 2 Firbolgs/Half Ogre/Trolls with the same HP as a field ram does now. It automatically swings every 8 sec. on the door. Cost is 300 bp

-War Ram has 4 Fir/HO/Trolls, same HP. Automatically swings every 6 sec on door. Cost 500 bp

-Fort. War Ram has 6 Fir/HO/Trolls, same HP. Automatically swings every 4 sec on door. Cost 700 bp

-Crafting Higher into the siege line will give you the option of creating Infernal War Rams, these rams will have 4 demons on it. Swing evey 10sec but doing 20% damage to the door. Cost 1500 bp

-For population unbalance there will be 2 buffs given to defenders depending on the size of the attacking force. This buff will disappear if the attacking force is out Treb range of the keep and apply once they are with in range. This also will not trigger unless the attacking force is larger then 16 players with in trebuchet range.
- Defenders Fervor -> 25% damage increase, 50% HP increase, 3x rps given --- this only applies if
there are 3 times as many attacking then defending.

- Defenders Guard -> 15% damage increase, 25% HP increase , 2x rps given -- this only applies if there are 2 times as many attacking then defending.


Shaman - Remove the bolt and Friggs and regeneration aoe grp spell.
- Replace with Fungal Regrowth (mend line)
- Single target lvl 45,(2.5sec cast) infect player with Fungal spore which after 5 sec will
explode healing the target for 750 hp. If target takes 1000 damage with in the 5 sec, this
will automatically trigger.
- Group lvl 50, (3sec cast) infect grp with fungal spores, after 6 sec the fungus will explode
healing the grp for 300 hp each plus 150 hp for anyone with in 200 radius of each player.

Single target can not be cast again for 4 sec, grp cant not be cast again for 6 sec

Valkyrie - RR5 remove, replace with Defender of Midgard - anyone plus the valkyrie with in 250 radius will
become spirit form and reduce all damage incoming by 10% and reflect any PBAOE damage back
to the caster by 33%, last 5 sec. - reuse 15min

Hunter- RR5 removed and replaced with White wolf and black wolf form. Only 1 can be used every 20min.
White Wolf form: 250% movement speed for 5 sec, after getting into melee range the target is
stunned, can not be resisted for 1 sec. All CC has a chance to get resisted 33%, Your HPs in wolf
form are reduced 33%.
Black Wolf: See all stealthers with in 300 radius of you, can only run, Speed spells do not work.
Upon being in melee range, you bite the target infecting it with Rabies for 1min which does 20
damage every 0.5 sec for the entire 1 min. then turning back to normal form after biting target.

Bonedancer: RR5 removal - replace with Hell Portal, a GT spell, once the portal is open demons from DF
pop out and attack all albions or hibernians near by. Total of 8 demons will
appear at random time intervals. Last 30 sec.

Remove all pets. Allow BD to transform into Dread Guardian, Dread Mage, Dread Lord for each of the spell lines...these are all lvl 50 based.

Dread Guardian: Increase AF/Asborbtion to studded armor. Have a pulsing Life Tap pbaoe of 200 radius and a self buff heal proc. Allow all other spells in Suppression to be used.

Dread Mage: increase dps with self buff of 15%, Give a GT totem spell to debuff cold spells by 15%. Allow all other spells in darkness line.

Dread Lord: Increase AF/Absorb to Plate armor, increase HP 2000. Give PBAOE pulse every 5 sec of 300
radius. Does 50 slash damge and decreases enemy Crush/Thrust/Slash resist 15%.

Allow all new spells, 350 radius PBAOE thats uninteruptable, 2.5 cast - gives 10% snare, and
comes in 2 forms: Ice Thorn, adds Cold and Thrust damage to PBAOE.....Fire Thorn, adds heat
and slash damage to pboae.

Give Dex, Con, Quickness debuffs

Give spell, Call the dead ( once every 10min) 6 sec hard cast - rez all allies as skeletons w/ 100% hps in a 1500 radius of Dread Lord. Skeletons can not do damage. If the skeletons do not come back to the Dread Lord, with in 500 radius, they will go back to normal form w/ 1% HP. If they get with in 500 radius of the Dread Lord they will come back to normal for with 50% HP. If Half (atleast 4 ppl based on a single grp) of the Resurrected get with in 500 Radius of the Dread Lord it will trigger the Dread Lord to PBAOE a 750 damage single pulse of cold where he stands.

Just some ideas as i sit here waiting for the servers and stuff. Thanks :smile:
Asatruar - Ronnie 10 "
Corpseshovel - Oldstanky - Nogvi

The reason people hate to PvP is they are afraid of failure


  • If they got rid of bonedancers pets that would be the end of my subscription. I absolutely hate what they did to the necromancer which was my favorite class and if they did something similar to the bonedancer that would be the final straw for me
  • See the only think i like about your idea is the the idea for infernal rams but instead of just ram have it for all siege types and make them available to craft with 250 or 300 seige but to get that high might need some new seige stuff to craft to get to 300. But there can only be so many infernal siege weapons up at a time like 2 or 3 to preventing insta killing of rams by having like 20 palentones (pardon my spell but not even spellcheck could figure that one out) and mabe a shield like fortification peice that breaks line of sight by both sides to giv more cover for attackers or defenders depending on how there used.

    The shields would add some new flavors to siege battles or hell even open field. In a fight the side that places them would have to step to the side of them to get line of sight on there target and vice versa, same thing in seige fight if the attackers place them right the defenders would have to push out to hit the attackers and if they push the attackers back the the defenders now have the advantage of using the shields.

    They would definitely spice up warfare a good deal. Thats just my idea to add to yours @Pleazing
  • The only thing I like about your proposal is adding a timed buff for defending keeps when outnumbered. Everything else I disagree with. There is no need to add NPC controlled siege equipment. We have players for that. There is no need to change the RR5s you mentioned (someone may argue about the Hunter RR5 though =P). There is no need to give Bonedancers the same treatment as Necromancers. The main reason Necromancers were changed was because they were completely dependent on using their pet and pet pathing often got them killed. The easiest way to fix the pet pathing problem was to revamp the Necromancer class to no longer be dependent on its pet. Bonedancers are not entirely dependent on their pets and therefore do not need the same treatment. Pet pathing still sucks though since 2001.
    "The grab bag isn't for explaining every single class change decision or reasoning or that's all we would ever do." - John_Broadsword
    "The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
    "Our Studio. Our Rules." -
  • I wouldn't mind seeing some postern doors, similar to the oil level door, on the outer towers near the front door. This would help the defenders by letting them attack the wall hugging support and would force the attacking casters to keep them at bay. Biggest issue with defending is it is hard to get into a position to interrupt the the attacking support classes without have a the many wall climbers club the crap out of you.
    Dreamscape 12Lx Dark Lotus
  • If they got rid of bonedancers pets that would be the end of my subscription. I absolutely hate what they did to the necromancer which was my favorite class and if they did something similar to the bonedancer that would be the final straw for me

    i agree

    i mean, years ago, i loved my necro, in pve, it was godmode. pling someone in poc with a bb for buffs and a friar for the heal proc was fun. the same necro in rvr was sometimes viable. too much issues to list with pathing and abusing los, so that was broken. so for many years i advocated changing the mechanic of the pet (which was broken) to a morph on the caster. and hallelujah, they did. but oh no, they changed everything else about the class too and made it the simple most broken new class in the game. a clear reminder why we don't want BS to introduce new classes to the game.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • That's a good deal of terrible ideas all in the same thread, congrats.
  • Dreamscape wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind seeing some postern doors, similar to the oil level door, on the outer towers near the front door. This would help the defenders by letting them attack the wall hugging support and would force the attacking casters to keep them at bay. Biggest issue with defending is it is hard to get into a position to interrupt the the attacking support classes without have a the many wall climbers club the crap out of you.

    one would guess that defending a keep would give an advantage to the defenders, right ? i don't see that in today's game. it often seems to me that the defenders are at a disadvantage.
    Stor Hurfru Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Baron Muylaetrex, Undead guy. Baronet Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. Baronet Facetothewallmuppet, support type standing with his face to the wall most of the time. Baronetess Yovonne, taxi. Baronet Muylaereaver, bombing zergs with some other reavers. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
  • Dreaming about the Hunter rr5.
    Of all three Archers the Hunter has the most capability to snare and kite. Pet styles and pet instant.
    In the name of Archer rr5 “balance” remove the pet severe the tether from Rangers rr5 and just leave the AoE cast and attack speed reductions.
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