Geometry exploit
So I have appealed players for exploiting the geometry of bold and nged to drop through the floor at oil level to get inside the inner keep. I have been ignored I assume since the players have never left game, or stopped. Someone finally got video of this happening.
It shows Herorius and two others exploiting this. Can we get this fixed? Some people punished? I'm am trying really hard not to drop into flamming here, just, please do something.

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thank you for the report. This video has already been forwarded to our Customer Support Team!
Closing this.
Broadsword Online Games
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Shileah of House Dara, the First of Her name, the Unressed, Master of Stickloss, Queen of Inc-Screams, Purge-Fails and lost Line of Sight, Breaker of Mezz, Mother of Doggos