Archer disease proc rate

The disease proc rate on archer bow proc too mutch . What is the proc rate ? Seem to be more then 10% or 15 %


  • Sure. If you increase the duration from 10 sec to 1 min like every melee weapon proc.
  • Thats more or less what will kill someone in a group w/heals, DI, and a slew more utility. I’m all for an extended duration on that bow proc tho.
  • Proc too mutch , need a nerf on this
  • Won't get much attention unless you provide test. 1k shots and logs. Randomly saying that the proc rate is too high. Thats your opinion. If it worked like that, then every archer could say it didnt proc enough and presto....
  • edited November 2018 PM
    archers is op as fk with snare and root shot never missing unlike before, I felt dirty promoting its change when I played but whatever ;p

    slam is like 20 sec reuse, root shot is like 20 sec, you can cc someone so gd much its ridiculous
    Post edited by Huehuaehue on
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