ALBION Otherworldly 1-9 Raid Friday 17th, August 2018 At 6 PM EST

ALBION: Friday 17th, August 2018
I'll be leading a US Prime-time Otherworldly Campain 1-9 on Friday 17th, August 2018.
BG Leader: Kerarda (BG open 30 minutes before)
Raid Starts: 6 PM EST
(For other time zones go to this website: )
How to start the Campaign?
1. Speak to Chamberlain Harlen in the Kings Room.
2. You'll have a quest called, "[Spirits] Eerily Quiet."
3. Check Journal and make sure your quest goal is to " Speak to Lord Adribard in his keep."
4. Go to the Avalon Marsh - The fastest way would be to go to Channeler Deng'ani, click on "towns" and then click on "Ardibard's Retreat". After you've landed walk forward into the keep and find Lord Adribard. Accept the next quest called "[Spirits] Into the Mist".
5. Go to Lyonesse The fastest way is to go to Assistant Grela and port to the "Catacombs of Cordova". and head W/NW to meet Lieutenant Haley. She is in the upper NW side of Lyonesse - on the map she is next to (one of two) silvery squares.
6. Talk to Lieutenant Haley and acquire the quest "[Spirits] Begone, Apparitions - Quest Goal: Defeat King Uther (0/1)".
6. Wait there till BG has all arrived.
I'll be leading a US Prime-time Otherworldly Campain 1-9 on Friday 17th, August 2018.
BG Leader: Kerarda (BG open 30 minutes before)
Raid Starts: 6 PM EST
(For other time zones go to this website: )
How to start the Campaign?
1. Speak to Chamberlain Harlen in the Kings Room.
2. You'll have a quest called, "[Spirits] Eerily Quiet."
3. Check Journal and make sure your quest goal is to " Speak to Lord Adribard in his keep."
4. Go to the Avalon Marsh - The fastest way would be to go to Channeler Deng'ani, click on "towns" and then click on "Ardibard's Retreat". After you've landed walk forward into the keep and find Lord Adribard. Accept the next quest called "[Spirits] Into the Mist".
5. Go to Lyonesse The fastest way is to go to Assistant Grela and port to the "Catacombs of Cordova". and head W/NW to meet Lieutenant Haley. She is in the upper NW side of Lyonesse - on the map she is next to (one of two) silvery squares.
6. Talk to Lieutenant Haley and acquire the quest "[Spirits] Begone, Apparitions - Quest Goal: Defeat King Uther (0/1)".
6. Wait there till BG has all arrived.