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  • null Hmm. When I try to quote I just get a message saying formatting lost and it gets changed to "null". Still getting used to these forums... I seem to have multiple messages. If I don't see them, do they apply?
  • WOOOOOOOOOOW. A little bit of interesting moderation here. Literally didn't break the first rule (rofl first???). Edited this to refrain from breaking the mod bashing rule. So now I won't get another surprise edit... Maybe... Got the below warni…
  • Wait. The argument to keep me playing is it "only takes a couple months" to get rr9 and then I can more or less be even with all the rr12's? So, I can pay a dentist to do unnesscary root canals, but I won't do that either. I'd rather spend my m…
  • Ding ding ding.. ^ right there.. I've got multiple vaults full of high end loot (OW10 helms, Harb gems, ML10, dragon, curse weps, supremecy pots, the 100%qua crafting items) (like literal vaults full, of each of those things) on multiple hou…
  • So everyone seems to agree that a new server would last 6-8 months lol. Then what's the problem? Reset and do another one for another 8 months. Rinse, repeat, forever lol. First it was Uth, then Uth2, then the bird. People have already SHOWN a willi…
  • The problem was the years of stupid high rps. I remember getting RR5 from zero in a single day. That's just dumb. (daily quest, reset, another daily quest). Now everyone's rr8473629 and EC's (and new subs) are expected to play for weeks to even…
  • This is still happening? I remember it happening back when there were only 4 curse quests lol. One of the reasons I canceled my subs.
  • Just had an idea regarding the new server... For the first couple months, lock it down to paid subs only. Then as pop declines (say 70% of first month avg), let EC accounts play it with restrictions. Then when pop declines to say 1/3rd of first…
  • Might have downloaded the last patch version and tried to use it this patch.... I'll give it a go once I'm back from my trip in a couple weeks. Hopefully things start becoming clearer with EC by then too. Thanks btw!
  • Downloaded and set up the bob ui options thing, now when I load a toon, the game just crashes, no warnings...
  • Seasons should probably last between 9-11 months. Enough time for the casuals to get invested, and the hardcores to get rr12. Then theres downtime while BS does holiday events and sets up the next server rotation. Should limit it to 1 server (unl…