''Cyber harassement'' - The Dark Side of Camelot
(Note : English is not my mother tong, and i started to learn it by playing DAOC when i imigrated to the Lancelot server back in the days. So please excuse my poor writing skills, but i believe that the subject is too important to remain unspoken.)
Hey everyone, i want to share with you a very disturbing experience that happended to my friend Zelat and myself. It started out of nowhere and it's been three consecutive days until now that it lasts.
We came back to ywain after a long break and we are playing a bard/bm duo in Cathal Valley to reach rr5 befor going in NF.
(When i write this, we are at the end of the third consecutive day of ''harassment'').
For three days straight, each night, the same guy shows up on his bard, he follows us for hours, he doesn't say anything in chat, he steals DBs if he can't make us lose and breaks all Ccs, that we land, on purpose in order to get us killed by groups.
Fighting groups as a duo with a bard ready to jump in to break as much CC as possible to get us killed is not a pleasant game experience, and sadly we cannot do anything about it.
We don't know why he is doing that to us specifically and what kind of satisfaction he gets from it.
The creepy feelings come from the fact that he never said anything to us.
We have no idea about what motivates him. Getting excited by the idea of bringing negative emotions to others is not the best way to develop decent social skills.
If after 3 days he has not managed to overcome his grudge toward us, for whatever reason, i believe that he won't stop there.
Maybe we are just one of his ''victims''.
I am very concerned for him that he thinks he has nothing better to do than follow the same people for hours without talking to them and just to ruin their fun.
I don't want to expose his name or his guild name here but i have about one hour of footage with him following us, stealing Dbs and breaking Ccs (i only started to record the second day).
We asked him questions, offered him to join us to fight groups, but he remains silent and declines our invitations.
His only goal is to be as annoying as possible toward us.
It is not correct nor sane to behave like this, even in a virtual environement.
I am pretty sure that he won't stop until we leave CV or until he is banned.
Again we have no idea why he is so obssesed with us like this. I mean obviously we are very attractive Celt male characters in game but are we really worth his time and efforts at the risk of being banned?
I don't think that we act like monsters in CV, what have we done that can justify such a treatment?
We are just two old firends who have return with nostaligia to spend some good time together on this game.
The only reason that i can think of is that we killed that guy on his mid or alb toons and he got mad at us because he couldn't defeat our duo with his groups.
So he decided to come on hib to get the ''revenge'' that he could not achieve on an enemy realm and executed it during the past 3 days.
If he did it with us, he may have done it to others already and will do it again, causing players to leave the Battleground for sure and probably quit the game.
The weird thing about this case is the recurrence of his behavior (3 days in a row until now) and the fact that he doesn't interact with us apart from following and breaking Ccs. That guy is clearly dealing with some serious issuses irl and desperately needs some kind of attention.
I don't want to post videos of him here, but i will gladly send them to the GMs.
My firend and i are disgusted by his attitude and ready to leave Ywain for good.
We don't want to waste our time and energy providing an unhealthy satisfaction to a disturbed man.
I am pretty sure that if he gets banned because of us it will give him a perverted sense of pride or accomplishment.
And if we leave CV or the game it will probably make his twisted mind jubilate (which must be the softest solution for him, according to his profile this game obviously means a lot to him and a ban might anihilate his mental state).
I didn't mention the insluts we got in sends by level 1 charcters that logged off right after, because we can deal with that or the constant emote spamming that we recieve when we are defeated, because it's part of the game.
But jesus, people need to chill a bit it's just a game for god's sake.
I am upset that i cannot enjoy the time i spend with my friend on this game because of one individual.
I have nothing against him personnaly and i don't wish him bad things, i just hope that he will evolve in a more positive way, and that's pretty much it.
- So, what do you guys think of this case? Is this behavior against the ToS?
- Can we speak of ''cyber harassement'' in this case?
- How do you feel about seeing toxic behaviors thriving in the game (emote spamming, insults in region channel and sends)?
- As players do you care at all about these or are you affected by it?
Does any of you want to share with us a case of harrassement that he suffered or witnessed in DAOC?
Here is a clip of some fights that we had against mids on the third day befor our harasser showed up once again. Nothing special it is just to show that we are having such a good time when disturbed people aint there to misbehave (enemies names are orange because the both of us are level 48), enjoy :
Hey everyone, i want to share with you a very disturbing experience that happended to my friend Zelat and myself. It started out of nowhere and it's been three consecutive days until now that it lasts.
We came back to ywain after a long break and we are playing a bard/bm duo in Cathal Valley to reach rr5 befor going in NF.
(When i write this, we are at the end of the third consecutive day of ''harassment'').
For three days straight, each night, the same guy shows up on his bard, he follows us for hours, he doesn't say anything in chat, he steals DBs if he can't make us lose and breaks all Ccs, that we land, on purpose in order to get us killed by groups.
Fighting groups as a duo with a bard ready to jump in to break as much CC as possible to get us killed is not a pleasant game experience, and sadly we cannot do anything about it.
We don't know why he is doing that to us specifically and what kind of satisfaction he gets from it.
The creepy feelings come from the fact that he never said anything to us.
We have no idea about what motivates him. Getting excited by the idea of bringing negative emotions to others is not the best way to develop decent social skills.
If after 3 days he has not managed to overcome his grudge toward us, for whatever reason, i believe that he won't stop there.
Maybe we are just one of his ''victims''.
I am very concerned for him that he thinks he has nothing better to do than follow the same people for hours without talking to them and just to ruin their fun.
I don't want to expose his name or his guild name here but i have about one hour of footage with him following us, stealing Dbs and breaking Ccs (i only started to record the second day).
We asked him questions, offered him to join us to fight groups, but he remains silent and declines our invitations.
His only goal is to be as annoying as possible toward us.
It is not correct nor sane to behave like this, even in a virtual environement.
I am pretty sure that he won't stop until we leave CV or until he is banned.
Again we have no idea why he is so obssesed with us like this. I mean obviously we are very attractive Celt male characters in game but are we really worth his time and efforts at the risk of being banned?
I don't think that we act like monsters in CV, what have we done that can justify such a treatment?
We are just two old firends who have return with nostaligia to spend some good time together on this game.
The only reason that i can think of is that we killed that guy on his mid or alb toons and he got mad at us because he couldn't defeat our duo with his groups.
So he decided to come on hib to get the ''revenge'' that he could not achieve on an enemy realm and executed it during the past 3 days.
If he did it with us, he may have done it to others already and will do it again, causing players to leave the Battleground for sure and probably quit the game.
The weird thing about this case is the recurrence of his behavior (3 days in a row until now) and the fact that he doesn't interact with us apart from following and breaking Ccs. That guy is clearly dealing with some serious issuses irl and desperately needs some kind of attention.
I don't want to post videos of him here, but i will gladly send them to the GMs.
My firend and i are disgusted by his attitude and ready to leave Ywain for good.
We don't want to waste our time and energy providing an unhealthy satisfaction to a disturbed man.
I am pretty sure that if he gets banned because of us it will give him a perverted sense of pride or accomplishment.
And if we leave CV or the game it will probably make his twisted mind jubilate (which must be the softest solution for him, according to his profile this game obviously means a lot to him and a ban might anihilate his mental state).
I didn't mention the insluts we got in sends by level 1 charcters that logged off right after, because we can deal with that or the constant emote spamming that we recieve when we are defeated, because it's part of the game.
But jesus, people need to chill a bit it's just a game for god's sake.
I am upset that i cannot enjoy the time i spend with my friend on this game because of one individual.
I have nothing against him personnaly and i don't wish him bad things, i just hope that he will evolve in a more positive way, and that's pretty much it.
- So, what do you guys think of this case? Is this behavior against the ToS?
- Can we speak of ''cyber harassement'' in this case?
- How do you feel about seeing toxic behaviors thriving in the game (emote spamming, insults in region channel and sends)?
- As players do you care at all about these or are you affected by it?
Does any of you want to share with us a case of harrassement that he suffered or witnessed in DAOC?
Here is a clip of some fights that we had against mids on the third day befor our harasser showed up once again. Nothing special it is just to show that we are having such a good time when disturbed people aint there to misbehave (enemies names are orange because the both of us are level 48), enjoy :

This discussion has been closed.
Sorry man but i don't really like public shaming, that guy may live a rough time irl and i don't want to put too much stress on him, i'm just going to let the people in charge investigate the case.
But if something similar happens to you, you should talk about it.
Corpseshovel - Oldstanky - Nogvi
The reason people hate to PvP is they are afraid of failure
Cathal is a small place and he can see our names on the logs when we kill ennemies.
I am sending a video to a GM asap but there is not much in it because day 1 we didn't record thinking that it was a one time phenomenon, then days 2 and 3 had slow action but well there's 1 hour of him following us and a clip of him breaking 2 mezzes on a striked mezz 6 man mid group, with each of his instas DD.
It's probably not enough as a proof for now to get him banned, but i am sure that if we log in again one day he will go on.
Stuff like this makes me wonder why "other" places are doing well... it's cuz they take action. Hell, if Broadsword is worried so much about privacy make a new Terms and Conditions where we all have to agree to be publicly shamed if we do something against the rules or moral code even
This however the condition you describe is clearly going against one's own realm and a true example of cross realming which is in ToS terms is against the spirit of the game. You cannot as a player intentionally buff-to-shear friendlies, stick stealthers to expose them to enemies, or stick realm mates with the intention + action of breaking CC.
These are examples of actionable conditions should the powers that be review the submitted materials.
If this was done one or two times in a single day it would not be actionable as many 'attacks' break CC and it would not be without a shadow of a doubt intentional. But the recurring nature over more than 1 login session, along with sticking out of group after you invited, brings it over the threshold of intentional and thus is actionable.
Make sure to include the name when you send the clip of the instances where he was sticking to cc break. This is not how the game is intended to be played with players of the same realm and unfortunately is probably common with this individual.
I think the other place has a listing of char. names that got banned for what ever reason.
Just something for thought....Gaheris might not have RvR but there is still plenty to experience there, you and your friend should try it out. No toxic people and there are a lot of people like me willing to help any and all that need it.
The footage have been sent to GMs.
They told us that we won't be informed about the outcome of the investigations, due to privacy policy.
We have to respect that.
I think that we have done what we had to do, alert people by sharing our experience and give materials to GM to investigate.
We would still like to hear from him the reason why he did that to us, but i believe that we will never know.
Thanks for the support and all the sweet messages
Just report it to the GMs and let them deal with it. Posting on a public forum trying to win sympathy, when we only have 1 side of the story is not something I have a lot of sympathy for. Unfortunately we all run into toxic players from time to time, that's the reality of playing with other players.
So, if i understand your point correctly : We should not speak publicly about these toxic behaviors because that will make us toxic in return or just prove that we are seeking sympathy?
Well, you know, it's just like your opinion man and i guess it's your right to believe that what you think and say is true.
You may not have read the post, but he acutally followed us during hours for 3 consective days without saying anything to break CCs on purpose. That's not a normal way to socialy interact with others, even on a virtual environnment. But hey, that's just my opinion.
He may need help and to say so is not an accusation it's an assumption and a concern.
There is no shame about talking of mental health or to suffer from it, and that's why i will nerver be in favor of punishment as bans but more in favor for dialogue, but guess what? He didn't talk to us at all, not a single word.
I sended him that i was going to make a post on the offical forum, to give him the opportunity to explain his behavior or if we think the way you do, to defend himself and put the blame on us for what he did.
But guess what ? Not a single word in here either.
He used other spells but mainly DDs because they leech rps instead of amnésia, so if you want to be as annoying as possible in case your ''victims'' wins the fight anyway they will get less rps. But you seems to be a bit credulous so you probably didn't even think about that aspect.
In all honesty, I don't really like the suspicious tone that you employ toward our intentions nor the manner in which you want to twist roles in that case.
You would make a terrible lawyer, that's for sure (but hey look at me i am harrassing you now, how funny is that, i must be such an evil person that thriv when people give him their sympathy).
Wait, so now he ISN'T leaching RPs for himself, he's actually DDing things so that you earn less RPs? Which one is it? Why would someone want to reduce RPs that you are earning in a battleground? Doesn't make sense to me. Or are you being paranoid? Do you think that everything is a conspiracy against you? See how easy it is to bring mental health into it ... seeing as you were so determined to do so ..
As I alluded to in a previous post, those in glass houses should not throw stones. No sympathy from me. Sorry.
I make it look insufferable to you, maybe because you seems to be a bit too sensitive about this case.
Somehow I have the intuition that behind the ''IDK'' there is in fact a ''I Do Know'', but i certainly am paranoid your dignostic about me is correct, and the USA, never went to the moon right?
I didn't post everything nor tell everything bout what happend and i kept the names and videos strictly for the GMs.
I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings about all that and to have returns and opinions from the community because that situation is uncommon.
But here you come like a white knight to teach me about moral and ethic, by doing to me exactly what you try to blame me for. You won't make a good philosopher either.
If you believe that my intentions are conscientiously driven by revenge or malevolence then read your comments again and try to apply the same thinking method to yourself.
I am sorry for you but I won't feel bad about my posts.
And if anyone think that my friend and I are toxic because of that post, then so be it, i probably won't want to spend time with that kind of people anyway.
Apparently there's a lot of things that doesn't make sense to you.
That guy shows up to ruin our fun and to annoy us as much as possible = take deathblows, leeching to reduce our rp gain, break mezzes and roots when we are fighting groups to make us die.
In case you didn't understand the situation clearly enough : When a bard wants to make you die on groups that you engage or at least to ruin your fights he can easily do it, especially to a duo.
So for 3 days we have been taken hostage of this man (who has been acting sane and benevolent according to your reliable diagnostic) and couldn't play the game the way it is supposed to be play.
So we took action and you can think that they are bad or counter productive but it's your vision, not mine.
You must be a troll, so please keep your sympathy for yourself, but i am taking this opportunity to work on my english writing skills, so thanks anyway.
Just fyi.
Whether it's unreasonable logic, poor comprehension or a mixture of both (I will accept this is partially due to English not being your first language), it's clear that you struggle to understand another's point of view. That's ok, but maybe if you could self-reflect once in a while it might do you good, you know? As the poster above said, report it and move on. Please spare us any more of your self-pitying.
Good luck with your appeal.
You got me, I love nipples. Thanks for your hilarious comment and for the brilliant intervention on the subject.
Maybe instead of giving lessons to others you should apply them to yourself?
How do you know about that?
I'm not after pity or sympathy but i am sure that you will guess right the third time.
As the poster above said, u dum.
If you have no better comment, maybe just write no comment.
He is just giving us a taste of how the mentality will be on a potential classic server!
It's clear that he struggles to understand what i am saying, i can't blame him for trying tho.
Sorry you cannotsee but the message says :
''You guys should know you had about 10 mids appealing the other day against 48 bard bm, so you might turn it down just a bit
I did the perfect comment. No drama, with a taste of humor.
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