Returning player Jusva / sharrakor .... is it ok for a duo to go to the so called solo keeps ?
I still love daoc, i cant finde anything els that comes close. But i finde it sad that it have turned into a /bow /duel or run to your tower on ev. We came back to run a duo agian, we started as solo players on merlin and both enjoyed the stealth game back then. Where we as some off the first got the lone enforcer titel on the server toghetere with humdall if anyone remember him
After that we ran NS Ranger duo for meany years until we moved to necro mini and meany othere duos.
When we came back this time it was time for sorc necro, we use to run over ev back in the days or boot but today i guss you port to a tower and we tryed that for a few weeks only to finde zergs and stealth zergs off 8 + so that was not a place for us. Then we found the so called solo spots, and now the game started to be fun agian. This was what we were looking for there were solos duos and small mans for us to fight. But as a old solo player, it was hard to see that most off the solo players today. Think that to port to a keep and /bow /duel is the new solo game, i use to love the supprise off roming. But i dont want to tell you how to play
We love to hit your duels and its is fun fights when 4 + solos gank up on us.
What i dont understand is when the albs there, ( Wove the so called solo cleric ) thinks he that it is ok to run around and break ouere cc with his mace when we fight 6 +. In my book that is just sad, what happedend to alb vs mid vs hib. I dont aske him or you to join in, but while you wait for you moc to be up for your next duel. Lets us fight the mids and the hibs without your /spam rofl and the cc breaking i dont think that is a part of the game.
I hope to see, more duos and small mans around the keeps in the future. And if you are alittle savant or skilvaktent doing your box quest /beg for your life and we might let you go

When we came back this time it was time for sorc necro, we use to run over ev back in the days or boot but today i guss you port to a tower and we tryed that for a few weeks only to finde zergs and stealth zergs off 8 + so that was not a place for us. Then we found the so called solo spots, and now the game started to be fun agian. This was what we were looking for there were solos duos and small mans for us to fight. But as a old solo player, it was hard to see that most off the solo players today. Think that to port to a keep and /bow /duel is the new solo game, i use to love the supprise off roming. But i dont want to tell you how to play

What i dont understand is when the albs there, ( Wove the so called solo cleric ) thinks he that it is ok to run around and break ouere cc with his mace when we fight 6 +. In my book that is just sad, what happedend to alb vs mid vs hib. I dont aske him or you to join in, but while you wait for you moc to be up for your next duel. Lets us fight the mids and the hibs without your /spam rofl and the cc breaking i dont think that is a part of the game.
I hope to see, more duos and small mans around the keeps in the future. And if you are alittle savant or skilvaktent doing your box quest /beg for your life and we might let you go

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If you run around solo town farming solos, you need not wonder if the solos will add on your fights.
I would break every of your mezzes, too.
If you dont like the playstyle in solo towns, then dont go there. But this is no justification for trying to get easy wins.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
If you go solo towns and disturb other players, you will get an reaction. Live with it.
Any discussion about it will lead to nowhere.
Did alot of small man in the past myself, and did quit it for a reason. There is 0 incentive these days where small-mans show up during primetimes. EV too zergy, pin quests did attract people in past, but thats over, so is broken keeps. There is nothing to attract small-mans to fight, even boating is rare due fast ports on EV. Only place you can find people at whos not fg+ is solo-towns. I decided I rather quit small-manning in primes because of that, there is no point farming solos as i also have sympathy for them.
I enjoy solo, its fun, but generally not in my time-frame. I also don't fancy bowing, standing around, only getting picked by hard-counters, honestly it's too uneventful for me for so few fights to have, so i avoid that too recently.
Solo areas recently swarmed with small-mans because of the lack of possible fights to be had elsewhere, and for obvious reasons the solo community don't quiet like that. It's expected they going to help each other out despite what realm they on, most know and like each other, which comes as a higher priority then unknown people who happen to be on your realm. If you go to solo areas with a small man, expect that, don't taunt them, it's part of the nature of the game.
Only solution I see is creating incentives, which we lack for many game-styles recently. You have to attract small-mans to other places, quests that required to run in certain areas for bps did work really well in the past. Collecting dragon scales, pins, whatever, they are useful for that, and there should be a permanent spot, questline for that to attract people. Maybe even award small rp like scales did (1-2k max) and some bps.
Same goes for zergs. They also lack incentive, thats why many zergs spend most of their time roaming EV, Ghost keep style quests where keeps on rotation award bps and small rps (10kish) permanently in game would help that too. You don't need huge rewards, but feels like current RvR during primes in general lacking purpose for some game-styles, while all of them would benefit if we move small-man action off solo areas, and zergs off EV. I am unsure even EV tower ports should work with zergs.
Why fight you, when breaking cc is much more efficient?
So should moc be forbidden for solos?
I see now...its just a usual whining thread. Probably number 15940 in the history of Daoc. Cant wait for number 15941.
I think thread is done...can be closed.
"The type of of dev communication of 30 mins a day updates mentioned here just isn't feasible." - Carol_Broadsword
"Our Studio. Our Rules." -
ill even give you a helping hand look ad 33.27 you try to kill a solo with your thug/heretic you stun and then try and spam stun pets when he cant be chain stunned. i didnt think you killed solos as a duo that was the first one but the best one is melee thug ad 36.13 you run in to melee range moc and rr 5 and agian try the stun pets when the bm cant be stunned. COME FIGHT US I WILL LOVE THE RPs
Most players want to silo off one or two of their toons and classify them as their "solo" toon. Solo definitions vary though. What you'll find at Trelle', Moy, and Folley is more of a duel zone if you will. Carol herself said that the zone is not considered "solo" by BS. It may have been intentionally advertised as that, but since, BS has said that it is not intended only for solo play. Most of the duelers hang out in ts, discord, vent or other. They thump each others chest and do their own thing. Again.. no problem here.. their game.. play it how they like. I feel like BS doesnt really watch for unscrupulous play anymore (breaking cc/cross-realming). As long as you pay a sub or 3, then its pretty much fair game.
As other posters have said, you can roll the areas with a duo, just expect adds. Hell, even the solo's catch grief when they don't play by the unwritten rules. "Don't hit me when im not full health.. .Don't hit me when im stting... Don't hit me if i havent bowed"... etc.
Play and enjoy. If its not working, move along, or bring more friends
Rules of Conduct @Carol_Broadsword
However, we will not discourage 2 realms from cooperating with each other against a 3rd (commonly referred to as cross-teaming), as long as you do not act against your home-realm. While we want all 3 realms to wage war against each other, there are times when a little cooperation is appropriate. "Cross-teaming" in this manner is not a violation of our rules.
if a realm mate run in a break cc on my cced targets he is is working agianst the home realm i have this on vidio can i get him a warning or maby a suspension ?
To the best of my knowledge, no it wouldn't be. It would only violate the RoC (again this is to the best of my knowledge) if it was determined to be intentional harassment. I.E., if this individual followed you throughout NF to every location you traveled and continually only functioned to break your CC.
There was a situation in the battleground forums that was addressed regarding realm mates intentionally buffing friendly players and then cancelling the buffs, negating the prior token buffs that were purchased. I'm not sure what was done in that situation either.
when carol_broadsword got him a link streaming on the offical websit he is the face off daoc so follow the rules if you go tho his streams he also see him straffing when low health to move faster this is also abusing game mechanics and whoud get you banned back in the days. @Carol_Broadsword
12. Abuse or exploit bugs, undocumented features, design errors or problems in the game collectively referred to as Problems. Player acknowledges and agrees to report all problems, errors or bugs in the game to Broadsword as soon as they are found as their continued use can damage the enjoyment of the game for all its players. Broadsword will do everything within their power to fix these types of issues in a timely manner, and will give all customers the benefit of the doubt when dealing with these problems.
37.34 to show what i mean
Okay, so just to be clear, this isn't actually a thread regarding whether or not it's "safe" as a duo to enter combat with enemies at the "solo zones". This is a grievance thread regarding a single player.
Iirc, the official DAoC Forums prohibits general threads regarding disputes between individual players. This thread should be closed and your complaint should be directed in a private message towards broadsword staff for further review.
As it stands now. The title of this thread and the content found within are misleading.
Smallman in this game is pointless. There is nothing you can do that makes it worthwhile, unless you manage to find the more casual oriented groups (Asatruar, Pale Horse, etc.) running around with 8-10, then you can take them with 3-4 and have good odds of winning. That usually happens on their first run, then they'll afk until they get more people. Other than that, you will face either larger numbers (better groups of 8, 16-24 or zergs) or soloers.
There is no roaming, people port everywhere, so you can't catch people running to meet others or just running semi-paying attention.
Solo is practically dead, it's the same 10-12 players that know each other and are good friends. The overall action is so low that in order to get solo fights you need to restrict the amount of space you need to roam, hence mainly sticking to the "solo spots" aka bow towns.
So it's quite understandable that you would have a known soloer (woke in this instance) try to help his friends. However, breaking CC against your own realm does sound a whole lot like cross realming. As much as the soloers getting killed by a duo hate it, it's fair game, while helping the other realms against your own realm is cross realming.
It's the disadvantage of not roaming anymore, you end up all in the same spot, which makes it easy for smallmans to come pick up the RPs.
That's what was good with the turkey legs event, it had another spot to go to to get action.
but let @Carol_Broadsword answer my questions and this post will be dead
i cant wait for an official answer
hope you dont hold your breath!
You would have to get into the daoc discord 1 v 1 channel and ask them. Theyre usually there... setting things up.. discussing tactics... telling one another when they are prepared to fight... Tactics 101
But that's just ofcourse the feelings of one of the residents of bow town
-Necro/Sorc roll up to the Mid solo spot
-We begin to fight 6 Mid players at once, 6v2
-Wove (Alb Cleric) is there, maces each person that we CC, but doesn't do anything else to them, and never gets attacked by them
-We kite the 6 south down the hill towards the tower, things are going well, but each time we CC them (including AoE mezzing 3 Mids), Wove attacks them with his mace to break the CC for them, the enemy realm, so they can better kill us, his own realmmates
-Wove follows and spam /rofls the entire time, which is very distracting. Once we are dead, neither he nor the enemies attack each other at all, so he clearly was not trying to assist
There is absolutely no way that this can be allowed, right? Assisting the enemy realm to kill your own realmmates, when at the end of the fight they just don't hit eachother? Would love a response on this.
Thank you for the suggestion, just did this.
This is a very situation-based issue you're asking about, but if you think someone is acting against their home realm in this manner then you may report them via appealing ingame or emailing and we'll investigate.
Also please see additional comments on cross-realming/cross-teaming from a recent Grab Bag here:
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