Wrong banners on house...
Quote from "Common Issues and Self Help" thread:
Tried in-game /appeal, still waiting for a response.
My issue:
1. As seen in the screenshot, the banners on the outside of the house are wrong.
- a. They are the wrong color, with the wrong emblem.
- b. The shield is correct, matching my cloak.
2. The banners and shields on the inside of the house are correct.
3. Typing "/house fixemblems" tells me "Your house's guild emblems are already correct."
4. Logging out and back in does not help. It's been like this since i built the house, a little over a week ago or so, during the Midwinter Festival.
5. Removing the banners and adding them again does not help.
6. Removing the banners only removes the wooden poles holding them, the banners remain.
7. I was one of the founders of this guild, over 10 years ago. Never changed guilds, never changed the guild emblem.
8. Next door to this house is our guild house, which has been there for over 10 years. The banners on the guild house are correct.
9. This house is on Ywain8, in Hibernia, Moycullen, Cuilbane. I had a house here years ago that had been repossessed. This is a new, bigger house (villa), but may be on the same lot that i owned before.
10. I also have a house in Albion (Ywain9), and a house and guild house in Midgard (Ywain7), and my husband has a couple of houses. This is the only house where i have seen this issue.
11. This is not a matter of slight distortion on the banners, as reported elsewhere. These banners are completely wrong, not distorted.
12. The lighting and animated effects on the winter tree are frozen, seem to glitch when i enter/exit the house. Not sure if this could be related or not.
Any help would be appreciated.
(Edit: Went exploring and found other villa houses in the area with the same issue. These same white/grey banners, which do not match their shields. What does that mean?)
My house is showing the wrong emblems.
Try using the command ‘/house fixemblems’ with the owner of the house while standing in front of it. Should this not fix it, please open an Emergency Appeal with a brief description of the issue!
Tried in-game /appeal, still waiting for a response.
My issue:
1. As seen in the screenshot, the banners on the outside of the house are wrong.
- a. They are the wrong color, with the wrong emblem.
- b. The shield is correct, matching my cloak.
2. The banners and shields on the inside of the house are correct.
3. Typing "/house fixemblems" tells me "Your house's guild emblems are already correct."
4. Logging out and back in does not help. It's been like this since i built the house, a little over a week ago or so, during the Midwinter Festival.
5. Removing the banners and adding them again does not help.
6. Removing the banners only removes the wooden poles holding them, the banners remain.
7. I was one of the founders of this guild, over 10 years ago. Never changed guilds, never changed the guild emblem.
8. Next door to this house is our guild house, which has been there for over 10 years. The banners on the guild house are correct.
9. This house is on Ywain8, in Hibernia, Moycullen, Cuilbane. I had a house here years ago that had been repossessed. This is a new, bigger house (villa), but may be on the same lot that i owned before.
10. I also have a house in Albion (Ywain9), and a house and guild house in Midgard (Ywain7), and my husband has a couple of houses. This is the only house where i have seen this issue.
11. This is not a matter of slight distortion on the banners, as reported elsewhere. These banners are completely wrong, not distorted.
12. The lighting and animated effects on the winter tree are frozen, seem to glitch when i enter/exit the house. Not sure if this could be related or not.
Any help would be appreciated.

(Edit: Went exploring and found other villa houses in the area with the same issue. These same white/grey banners, which do not match their shields. What does that mean?)
Post edited by Zeirlynn on
/house fixemblems, removing and re-adding, etc, nothing fixes it.
(P.S. I don't know how or who fixed this. I didn't do anything, as there was nothing left i could do. I've just been logging in every so often and looking at it, and today found that it was fixed!)