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  • DaRedANT wrote: » Sepulacrave wrote: » Isn't there an RA you can buy that lowers the timer for this? It's called Veil recovery. If you want a shorter timer that's what I'd suggest you look into. The RA is also a passive so you don't have a timer…
  • Kroko wrote: » I think the rezz sick has the purpose, that if youre in grp or in zerg and get rezzed, you cant fight with full power immediately. I think, this is not a bad idea. To help solos and others, maybe a NPC in relic town who can remov…
  • Armagedden wrote: » This is a great post. I'm sure the rez sick timer once served a purpose. Let's be real there has to be a penalty in an MMO that keeps people from getting right back in the same fight. That's fair.. But considering how fast-pace…
  • Clumsy wrote: » housing... extremely important man wow game-changer thousands ready to come back hell I may prepay for 10 years wow awesome badass housing! woot! yay! party time! I don't think the developers had much involvement in this.. The a…
  • He amasses an unkillable blob of people and mainly PvE's in the frontiers. I honestly don't care whether he stays or leaves but adding an extra realm rank as an incentive to have him keep going is ridiculous. Truly.
  • Very helpful. Thankyou.
  • Badgor wrote: » Carol_Broadsword wrote: » Don't derail threads please. Buying RR is not something we currently plan to offer for sale. Thank goodness you said BS isn't going to sell RR tokens. I refuse to play a pay to win game. Let them e…
  • Thanks for all the replies guys. I've decided to main a theurg. Having too much fun not to. :-D
  • Fan of your content, keep it up!
  • Thankyou for this! :-)
  • Fateboi wrote: » Theurg also have you considered a Tic? I levelled one the other day just to give it a go and they were really fun. I did feel like the theurg and animist had more potential in solo rvr, however. I'll be honest, I'm leaning towa…
  • Thanks for the replies guys. I'm leaning towards theurg due to CC they bring and I feel like they'd be the better choice when soloing, however I DO enjoy the frontloaded damage bombers give. I'm currently going through the different patch notes t…