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  • Northerncross_G wrote: » I hope this helps! Who do we turn the token to?
  • What is the Starlight Weapon? The more important question is, is the weapon any good and is it specific to a class, i.e. if I use the token on my minstrel, is the weapon only usable for minstrels?
  • Server doesn't matter besides what housing zone you want to be in. Population is crap besides during US or Euro prime time. FTP is OK but you can't do much with it. FTP is more for people who want to just relax and talk to friends or new people w…
  • TopDude wrote: » Do you have to finish the quest to get the Crate? I went to see the King and got nothing. Nevermind. It's the old, "Your quests are full," bug so you can't accept any new ones.
  • Do you have to finish the quest to get the Crate? I went to see the King and got nothing.
  • Seethyr wrote: » Have you checked out yet? No. Thanks.
  • Still selling plats for those who need it.
  • Some file is probably corrupted. I had the problem in the past and I think I fixed it by uninstalling the game and re-installing it.
  • Unfortunately, there may be no coming back. DAoC is a PvP game and the only thing that could kill it is low population because it is the players who create content. Back when John Broadsword first took over control of the content creation around…
  • RIP Good Kapt. Ran in your BG now and then and it was always interesting.
  • Send a PM to Carol_Broadsword here on the Boards and she can help you.
  • Just did a trade today with Pandaman. Trade only with someone who has credibility.
  • Just did a trade today with zrexray. Still selling plats for those who are interested.
  • I'd be in favor of a 30% reduction in RPs if you have 3+ stealthers in a group. But here's an idea for BS. Give solo players a "sixth sense" ability. It only works if you are solo. When you get close to a stealth zerg, 3+ stealthers, you get a…
  • Servers don't matter any more except for choosing your housing option. Right now, I think Hibernia is still the most populous during prime time.
  • /bump. Still selling plats for the needy.
  • I sort of found the solution. The problem is that if you click on the item in your vault too fast, it will give you the error message. But if you do it slowly, it won't. Again this hasn't happened in the past so I don't know what brought on the b…
  • Brut succinctly reduced the situation down to the critical issues that led to the demise of DAoC. The introduction of the ruined keeps (also created the border keeps which removed 6 keeps from PvP) and the removal of the maze towers. In general, w…
  • As the saying goes, “Hell is paved with good intentions” (Samuel Johnson). John had all the good intentions in the world. I think he really thought he was going to improve DAoC for the better. But what he did was absolutely destroy the game. Joh…
  • Very interesting. How did they get this information? I doubt if BS would release it?
  • It's the 20th anniversary. How about some items to commemorate it? Like a housing banner or other memento? I'd also like some free alchemy components please!
  • Triq02_Dave wrote: » They were just in I pay religious attention to announcements of the traveling merchants. Usually they come out around January, which is four months ago already.
  • Indur wrote: » Okay this happened to me and here is how i fixed it I closed Edge (Browser) that fixed it for me, what had no impact what so ever was - turn of firewall - turn of Defender / Antivirus - turn of Memory Handling for legacy Apps …
  • Names wrote: » Is it when you alt tab? No. I log on, and 3-4 minutes later, it crashes.
  • Names wrote: » Might be your anti virus @topdude I tried that. I turned off all antivirus and firewall.
  • I just wanted to add that I have no issues logging on with my laptop. No LD's. I am thinking there is some kind of conflict with some program on my desktop.
  • Where do you go (what merchant in what zone) or what do you do to get your mithril?
  • The only thing that could kill DAoC is low population. Broadsword has finally realized that, although probably 4 years too late. When they asked for the players feedback in 2016, everyone was so excited about how progressive Broadsword was, only t…
  • Dude ... Guy ... Compadre ... They can't increase the amount a consignment merchant can store past 200 plats. What you are asking is the equivalent of asking NASA to send astronauts to Jupiter. Is it possible? Yes. Is it going to happen? NO! …
  • Kroko wrote: » As your name is TopDude you certainly have good reputation. Thank you! I try to provide a service. I am not here to scam anyone and I hate it when people get scammed. Please don't spam NF asking to buy plats. That is the eas…
  • Kadark wrote: » 1.) What is plats, like platinum? 2.) What's the catch? 1. Plat is in-game currency that is used to buy items. 2. There is no catch. The process works like this. You buy a game time card (GTC) from Broadsword and you sell it…
  • IRC groups use a macro keyboard program that allows them to do 2-3 things with one key. So that IRC guy that is casting and jumping at the same time? He has macro'd [cast] + [jump] into the same keyboard bind. Why is this important? Because it i…
  • If it wasn't about the money, then why try F2P? Why not just pay for your regular account? The problem with players now is that because Broadsword conditioned players to expect getting 90K RPs just by logging into the game, now players expect this…
  • It doesn't matter what server you play on any more. All that choosing a server means is that the server determines what housing you can buy your house in. So if you choose Yvain1, you can only buy a house there, not on any other Yvain's. It used …
  • Before the changes, you could fall out of bed and you get 100K a night. Before I stopped playing, if you hit all the quests, you would get more RPs from the quests than actually killing anything. It is refreshing to get back to the norm and to sto…
  • I sorry, but your version of events is tragically flawed and antiquated. THERE IS NO GOING BACK. I started playing DAoC, 3 months after launch. I, like you, loved the community back then. My first guild is still the only guild I have ever played…
  • @John_Broadsword : I couldn't restore to a previous point because it was beyond the date that windows allows. I viewed the site you suggested and none of the options fixed the problem. Has there been any updates on what is being done to fix this i…
  • You have to get to 1,100+ to become a legendary crafter in most crafts. The first 1,000 or so points will require you to use ingredients that you buy. The rest of the way to 1,100+ will require some ingredients that you will have to farm (such as …
  • @John_Broadsword : I've done all of what you suggested and the program still is not loading. We really need some help here.
  • @John_Broadsword : I've done all of what you suggested and the program still is not loading. We really need some help here.
  • There was a windows 10 update last week. I load the game on my laptop too and I have the same issue with my laptop. I don't think I had any issues before the windows 10 update. I am thinking that it is windows 10 then that is shutting down the …
  • One more thing. The only way to fix the problem is to do a full reboot. Then I can log on one time but after that, if I log all the way out and try to log back in, BAM, same problem.
  • This video covers the basics of how to play DAoC. You should watch it VERY CAREFULLY! There are many other video's on youtube that will help you get up to speed on how to RvR. I suggest that you watch as many as you can. Some were made by …
  • TopDude wrote: » I apologize ahead of time if this is not allowed. I have always posted this on but since that is no longer a "sanctioned" website, I will let people know here. If you need plats on any realm, please feel free to co…
  • PM me here and let me know know time and date and how many plats you need. I can do plats on any realm.