Mechanic needed for the game during dead hours in order to find action/people
I dont know about you people playing, but if i log in and dont find anything in a couple celerity charges, then i log. Game simply needs some mechanic to put people in the same areas during dead hours. Here is my idea, share your own ideas.

My idea was to have another quest added, one that you get credit from in the hot spot zones, and to have increased realm points for rvr participation in the zones. I would like the zones not to be close to keeps if possible, the circles are just examples.

My idea was to have another quest added, one that you get credit from in the hot spot zones, and to have increased realm points for rvr participation in the zones. I would like the zones not to be close to keeps if possible, the circles are just examples.
Post edited by Yems on
yeah but for off-peak hours when a zerg isn't running this could be a good incentive for small/8mans to find fights. It's not a bad idea, but the better idea is getting population up and letting EC be no restrictions except for RPs and BPs...
This is a risk you always take playing solo regardless in my opinion.
getting population would fix it of course, and i ultimately think this is what everyone wants because it would solve almost all the issues we have.
But until then something needs to be done i think, at least until we see a new server or steady increase in players.
I do understand they are dealing with a server/game that has plenty of issues but taking that much time isn't going to make people come back. There interaction with their play base isn't good either and when they keep saying in their newsletter it will be out in march, it's coming soon, it's on its way this week. They just have to be honest instead of hushing it up and making the player base wonder when anything is going to be updated and fixed.
Not pointing fingers here, but there's an alb 1-2 groups who always roam the three spots you highlighted, looking for solos/small mans, at the times you suggest.
Those 1-2g could be flaming towers or keeps for action. Their inability to get great action by looking for things to run over isn't a game issue, it's a player issue.
1) The game has to incentivize grouping because people will stop playing if it becomes a solo deal, or it's more beneficial risk/reward to solo vs seek out players. The community and interactions and trying to work together is what this game is about.
2) Solo is great (and I play a lot of loner play so take that for what it's worth) but with equal skill or sometimes even unequal, there are classes that shouldn't ever lose 1v1, even if the other uses RAs. Necros (pre-patch), Reavers. Moc Lifetap Pet classes. Then there are combinations which should never be a tossup, and then there are assassins which can choose targets and if there are adds or things don't go as planned they can a combination of vanish, mez poison, snare poison + snare/disease, climb walls, get out of LOS. If you buff the solo game you just get even more of the I shouldn't lose classes, many of whom camp until all their RA's are up, and the classes you should be able to beat, are able to avoid you.
Usually a new patch helps also.
I'm wondering if for the new patch broadsword could issue a newsletter with the changes and also advertise that for say 3 weeks (or whenever) the BP limit is increased to 1,000,000 in a new "Bounty Point Extravaganza" Including the trophy mobs and tolkens. (The tolkens should be increased in price from the 35kish to more like 100-200, IMO)
One time events get people to resub for that month, and if you've subbed you will probably do more than just visit a merchant. You may try to collect BPs, doing raids, RvRing, and generally assisting in creating action. That's just my suggestion to drive interest. The game is still tons of fun, creating action is circular.
Maybe combine that with 3 week labor day bonuses:)
Solution is to bring back all crosswords for even small fights.
Symfriar (Friar duh)
Symsorc (Double duh)
Sympets (Theurg)
Symmond (Arms)
Some random mids and hibs
I'm confused at exactly how would incentivizing solos getting more RPs be bad? Is it better than having smallmans continually seek out and kill solo players for easy RPs? Like what??? I solo almost exclusively because I play on non-primetime hours and It's just sad that there is an inherited RP bonus for grouped players even when killing solos... so ultimately you get low population and smallmans chasing down solos because they are still great RPs...
Edit: I think it would be great awesome to bring back the 25k RP rewards for group quests, while keeping the solo quest to 5-10k but make it repeatable... But I know notihng
then report them and @Broadsword should ban them for a week or more. That's the problem with them now, they are soft. Other places offer permanent bans for offenses like that. Better QoL in an alternative place vs Live, it's sad
bs should not ban them just remove all the rps form both accounts ----
i think this content kind of baffled everyone
Right now, it takes a LOT more effort to make decent RPs in a night compared to zerging.
Risk/reward needs to be balanced (hence why doppels should all be relocated in high traffic areas far from escape points to increase the risk), but you also need to think of RPs in RP/effort provided.
on solo rps my guildie also disagrees with me. She says that it often takes a few minutes to win a fight 1v1 and basically what shoke said, that you get less rps soloing.
I still think it's a group game and you have to make grouping be the funner environment. Someone mentioned swords for smaller fights. I don't disagree except that there's usually one serious group out that is going to easily beat everyone, and if they can just run towards action that's going to make the lesser experienced/skilled groups just stop playing.
I think its the last few weeks or so, people may be on vacay as was said. Personally I like the idea of a bp bonanza. make 1.5m the cap and put a lot of one time goodies in the bp merchant for 1m+.... and make solo missions repeatable. Then you'd have more action. Especially if you made pendragon bracers obtainable at 1.5m bp. Someone on mid was asking for a consignment merchant for like a month in region. I have to assume that's a want item that would get people to reup (whatever it was). Stuff like that.
This is also random but open catacombs for 2 weeks and close curse zones for 2 weeks. There's content/items people want there and it might bring some people back.
My other suggestion as a former pve expert is to do a one time event merchant (think infernal merchants on roids) that sells/trades for 200p tolkens. for some it's alll about vault space and I know that's not changing, so save on 8 mansion deeds and get 1 pendragon tolken.
Wasn’t it battle or Buggane’s obelisk when it spawned in different zones? And all the 8mans cried?
yup its definitely not easy off peak hours.
I never know what you are saying when you write stuff, but somehow this hits home with me... I think...